Sunday, August 29, 2004

this is Lanzenhain in Germany :)- my exchange village! Posted by Hello

Just some entertainemnt ...sad really

Zach Braff on why 'Garden State' is rated R:

"Some of you have been asking about the rating. Just so you all know, your government doesn't believe a 16 year old should hear the word "fuck" more than twice in a 2 hour period. The second you say 'fuck' twice in a movie your film becomes 'R'. No exceptions. Pretty crazy, huh? You can blow someone's head off, but 2 fucks makes you unwatchable for someone under 17. Unless they have their parent there to explain it to them. 'Mom, I understood the first use of the word fuck, but what's with the second - give me guidance please. I've heard one fuck before, but ever since I heard the second one I've had this insatiable desire to rob a liquor store and refer to all women as ho's.''

Friday, August 27, 2004

profiles, oh yeah!

finally, I have finished my profile!!!!! Although lots of homework still remains - meh, who can be stuffed?

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I just e-mailed this to ang, but the reality is - it applies to all my friends – ‘cos I luv you guys!! I know most of ya aren't into the mushy junk, but I wanted to let you know how much it means to me that I have you as friends...
heyI just wanted to say thank you...for everything, for being my friend - for listening to my rambling - and my irritating babbling stress... for being my friend despite all my bad traits...and if I’m acting weird don't take me seriously – ‘cos sometimes I don't even know what to think of myself…Of course you already know this…But still. I just wanted to let you know how much I value our friendship – ‘cos I luv ya, and if I ever lost you as a friend – I’m not sure I’d end up very sane... :P lotsa luv,alwayskathryn xxoo

So there you go :)

Here is a poem that the year 12's read last year - or was it the year before that? I love it, and I hope you do too.

New Friends and Old Friends

Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
New-made friendships, like new wine,
Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test-
Time and change-are surely best;
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray,
Friendship never knows decay.
For 'mid old friends, tried and true,
Once more we our youth renew.
But old friends, alas! may die,
New friends must their place supply.
Cherish friendship in your breast-
New is good, but old is best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
Those are silver, these are gold.
- by Joseph Parry -

Thursday, August 12, 2004

less creative...but funny

:) I thought I'd try something to lift the spirits after that beautiful poem by....Mr. Wynne - he rocks! Anyway, without further ado, I present you:

The Perfect Man ;)
The perfect man is gentle, never cruel or mean,
He has a beautiful smile,
And keeps his face so clean.
The perfect man likes children,
And will raise them by your side.
He will be a good father
As well as a good husband to his bride.
The perfect man loves cooking,
Cleaning and vacuuming too;
He’ll do anything in his power
To convey his love to you.
The perfect man is sweet,
Writing poetry from your name;
He’s a best friend to your mother
And kisses away the pain.
He never has made you cry
Or hurt you in any way
Oh, f*** this stupid poem,
The perfect man is gay.

I admit a little crude - but time I'll post something more 'creative'...

Monday, August 09, 2004

a message...for ang

Aaaannnnnngiiieeee! rache says "PHOTOS!" and now she's told me that - I have to know what she means - being the naturally nosy person that I am. I shall delete this blog when you post a comment/or telllllll me mwa hahahaha!!!!!! I'm so evil! (and if KB - you ever read this I can practically see you rolling your eyes, so don't even think about it!) and Rache - grrrrrrrrrr...


ok - so I said I'd put some of my own work up but....anyway - here's a poem by someone eveyone at Toorak College will know very well. I love his poetry :) (btw that was HUGE hint) - oh and -
Disclaimer: This is not my poetry blah blah you get the idea...


When the call comes you’ll know it
by the whitening face,
the random weirdness of the time,
or the clutch of your own heart
in the dark.

When the call comes expect no politeness,
or discreetness or correctness,
though there is a pattern to them.
Those calls pronounce
a sudden change of fortune,
by their nature, unexpected,
like unannounced trains
sliding solid into view
where before there was space,
or the unprophecised eclipse
that darkens it all.

These are the late night calls,
the pulse quickening jangle
half memory, half sleep
the dread;
now anything is possible,
now is my grip less firm on the world.
Between the over loud ringing and the voice
there is all possibility;
you fortify yourself.
All I care about, you claim,
is safe within these four walls,
you are renouncing friendships
and attachments
even as the sound gushes around you,
reclaiming that given part of you,
washing your hands of life-long friends.

When the call comes you can’t avoid it
or postpone it
or defend it,
the world enters, uninvited,
and won’t go away.
This shapes character,
becomes more common,
hardens us,
makes us fallible and human
the sound of the phone fills the night,
a call from beyond the daylight world
beyond fear and life.

You can make coffee, make plans
revise yourself, another broken promise,
rationalise it all you like.
Later the sun comes up.

I love this poem. Homework to do...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

*cough* still sick - but having fun....

Work was good - we were busy, which made the time pass quicker...Basketball tomorrow after work. Hopefully we'll win this time! Nothing interesting happening, although it was great to speak to Angie again! I don't know how she is so busy all the time and sill manage to get everything done (Homework Included). The have 5 weeks off now - lucky German's!
I should write my cheat sheet- and do all the other homework that should have been done a while a go...

Friday, August 06, 2004


House singing is finally over *sigh* - no more 7.30am rehersals! WOO-HOO! Going to Kimmi's tonight. Working 2 "closes" this weekend...I might get some creative stuff up here soon, practice for english folio work or something...

Thursday, August 05, 2004

...Just a lookin' at the sleepy city
In the night it looks so pretty
No one sees the city lights
they just care about the warmth inside
No one listens to what people say
I just sit and hear the radio play
Just then this girl walked in my way
And she was as pretty as my sleepy city...
Sleepy City - The Rolling Stones Posted by Hello

*yawn*... exhausted, but still swinging...

so sleepy...just finished swing and Latin at Mt. Martha - it rocks my socks :P...right, left, triple step, triple step, right, left...cha, cha, cha...It's fabo - we did Swing - Basic and Charleston, and Latin - Meringue and Cha Cha.

House singing is tomorrow - ugh, I hope it turns out alright, Pye really needs to learn how to use diction. And echoes..*shudder*, lets just say that it leaves a lot to be desired - and I believe that most of the houses are having this problem too. Madrigals rehearsal at 7.30am - yuk! At least I live nearby - I won't be getting up at 6am that's for sure.

So much homework so little time... next week will be less stressful and I can actually study for once. I'm reading the DaVinci code at the moment - it's simply addictive. So Katherine - we will be discussing it in detail after I finish it, as well as Macbeth - there's lots of fun to be had with Lady Macbeth and the Witches. almost time for sleep....... :)

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Fair weather friends might drift away When summer ends and skies burn grey So I walk to the ocean - Pilot these shores. Just... Thinking of you
 Posted by Hello

tired, stressed, vce sucks...

The title pretty much sums it all up at the moment. House singing is on (this will sound odd aka "what the...?" to most people who don't go to Toorak) we're singing the "friends" theme song and echoes - both of which sound awful at the moment. Not to mention the madrigals group - amigos para siempre...a beautiful song, but simply not suitable for teenagers voices - Sarah Brightman sings it - so geez! The homework seems to be piling up - on top of that I really need to study for the SATs - which I have absolutely no clue about because I live in Australia the land of the HSC. Aside from whining I do have some semblance of a life. Vague - yes....but moving on....
Worried 'bout a couple of friends - who I won't name in case those particular people read this and freak I’ll use some Russian names...mainly 'Maryushka', who is really stressed at the moment. I think something happed with her and 'Anekei' and something just doesn't seem right. I wish I could see her more often, we really need to catch up sometime.

Everyone else seems pretty normal i.e. healthy (physically AND mentally). Marina is over from Germany for 3 weeks - which will be great!

I finally admit I'm crushing on this gorgeous guy - Artem...(mind you that IS his real name - well, actually it's Artemei, same diff) Which is stupid for so many reasons on so many levels...fortunately he will NEVER see this post...
Homework is calling unfortunately...I'll probably just continue procrastinating...