Wednesday, August 04, 2004

tired, stressed, vce sucks...

The title pretty much sums it all up at the moment. House singing is on (this will sound odd aka "what the...?" to most people who don't go to Toorak) we're singing the "friends" theme song and echoes - both of which sound awful at the moment. Not to mention the madrigals group - amigos para siempre...a beautiful song, but simply not suitable for teenagers voices - Sarah Brightman sings it - so geez! The homework seems to be piling up - on top of that I really need to study for the SATs - which I have absolutely no clue about because I live in Australia the land of the HSC. Aside from whining I do have some semblance of a life. Vague - yes....but moving on....
Worried 'bout a couple of friends - who I won't name in case those particular people read this and freak I’ll use some Russian names...mainly 'Maryushka', who is really stressed at the moment. I think something happed with her and 'Anekei' and something just doesn't seem right. I wish I could see her more often, we really need to catch up sometime.

Everyone else seems pretty normal i.e. healthy (physically AND mentally). Marina is over from Germany for 3 weeks - which will be great!

I finally admit I'm crushing on this gorgeous guy - Artem...(mind you that IS his real name - well, actually it's Artemei, same diff) Which is stupid for so many reasons on so many levels...fortunately he will NEVER see this post...
Homework is calling unfortunately...I'll probably just continue procrastinating...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well my dear here is your long awaited comment! so i shall now share with you a few words of wisdom...
1. never trust a wolf in cheap clothing
2. you can't always get what you want - but you can get what you need... then you can swap it for what you want
3. it takes 42 facial muscles 2 smile but only 4 arm muscles 2 give someone a slap
4. if you step on ppl on ur way 2 the top, u can always step on them again on ur way back down
5. a closed mouth gathers go feet
6. when the lord closes a door, he opens a window - but go out the door anyway its usually a trick
7. before u judge someone u must first walk a mile in their shoes - that way, when u judge them ur a mile away and u have their shoes
8. 42.5 statistics are made up on the spot
9. if a man says something in a forest and his wife is not there 2 hear it, is it still wrong?
10. u can learn a lot from losing - but better to win and learn nothing
11. there's more than one way 2 skin a cat - if u've got enough cats 2 practice on
12. the fact the no one understands u doesn't mean ur brilliant
13. if at first u don't succeed, then try doing it the way ur wife first suggested
14. if at first u dont succeed, file 4 bankruptcy and transfer all ur assets into ur spouses name
15. the rich get richer and the poor get pulled over by the cops

and now of course for my personal favourite...
16. if u love something, let it go - if it comes back 2 u, shoot it

luv ya kathryn :P:P:P:P:P

9:06 PM  

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